New papers about Eastern Redbud, Cercis canadensis L.

Meher Ony MS publishes her thesis research on redbud diversity.

1st paper out in 2020

Recent global events did affect us, but work from home goes on. So, the shoutout to Meherafroze Ony, recent MS from Dr. Hadziabdic's lab, for becoming a published scientist!

In her thesis, Meher analyzed species-wide diveristy of Easter Redbud (Cercis canadensis L.), at two levels: at fine scale in the Southern Appalachia region, and across the species native range (roughly, half of lower US).

The first report on the fine-scale analyses was recently published in the reputable Ecology and Evolution (OpenAccess, so everyone's welcome!). The second report is to be submitted shortly.

Meher is a great storyteller, as this paper exemplifies (and SPOILER so does the second SPOILER). In short, despite habitat fragmentation and loss (=differentiation), at fine-scale the species managed to retain high levels of diversity.

But, you really need to read all that yourselves!

redbud highlight